0845 Numbers - Help & Learning
Top 0845 Sales Questions for March 2025
  1. What are the costs of 0845 service?
  2. What is the cost of forwarding an 0845 number to mobile phone?
  3. Can you divert an 0845 to mobile phone?
  4. What are the steps in obtaining 0845 number - How do I buy an 0845 number?
  5. How long before my 0845 number is active?
  6. With cheap 0845 numbers, is there an annual charge?
  7. What is the Minimum Usage Requirement?
  8. Do I need new telephone line installation?
  9. I already have 0845 number, can I switch to you and keep the existing number?
  10. Will our old numbers still work?
  11. Can I choose a number? I want to have memorable 0845 number?
Top Support Questions for March 2025
  1. I cannot remember my user name & password for my 0845 number?
  2. How do I access account invoices?
  3. How do I re-divert 0845 number to a new landline or mobile?

If an issue that you would like to know more about is not covered in this support section then please e-mail us and we will resolve the problem for you. Also any sections that you feel should be added to these pages then please e-mail us with details as we welcome customer feedback.

To gain better understanding of our service, before placing an order please review our General and other FAQ and Support pages.

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